
You may already know that the word Yoga comes from the Sanskrit root yuj, whose meaning is junction, connection, union, integration...

The search for meaning in life and for well-being are inherent quests in all of us, consciously or unconsciously. Yoga has been fulfilling these quests for thousands of years.  In essence, yoga promotes holistic integration, allowing the practitioner to become the physical, mental, emotional, and harmonious entity that is a person’s true Being.

Note that Yoga is not just physical work, but a deep involvement of all levels of one’s Being.

In accordance with my personal goal of self-unification and integral healing, I offer private and semi-private yoga classes.  I believe in intimate and safe work as a facilitator of the great transformations desired by those who seek Yoga.

Yoga is for everyone, without any restrictions!  As I said, it's not exclusively a body work.  In fact, much of the success of the practice comes from experiencing sensations, and every living being can experience sensations.

My mission is to make it possible for everyone to benefit from this practice, which is why I am certified in Accessible Yoga, Adaptive Yoga and Pre and Post Natal Yoga.  I work with seniors, pregnant women, people living with disabilities and trauma victims (Trauma Sensitive Yoga).

If you have a body and you breathe, then Yoga is for you!

Choose your ideal practice format:

In person:

  • Private classes
  • Semi-private (up to 2 people)


  • Private classes
  • Small group classes
  • The “Awakening" program

Functional Yoga for Workspaces


Helping people has always motivated me.  During the decade that I worked as a lawyer, I didn't find much space to serve others to the extent that I really wanted to.

After earning my Yoga certification (YTT 200), I decided to seek new studies within the domain of holistic and somatic practices.  I have reached the Master's Level (3a) in Reiki, thus allowing me to apply Reiki in person and remotely, to heal and harmonize one individual or a large group of people (Planetary level).

The word Reiki comes from the union of the syllables REI and Kl.

REI means universal energy, the essence that permeates and maintains all things.

KI is the life force energy that maintains our physical body, flowing through the chakras and meridians.

When these two energies meet, that is, the Cosmic energy with our physical being, Reiki is formed.

Reiki can be combined with any other therapy, allopathic medicine, homeopathy and other treatment modalities, thus enhancing and amplifying its positive effects. Reiki is not a substitute for medical treatment or prescribed medication.

Potential benefits of Reiki:

  • Balance of the body's energies;
  • Relaxation and reduction of stress and anxiety;
  • Raising vital energy;
  • Strengthening the immune system;
  • Pain relief;
  • Promotion of healing and harmonization of past experiences;
  • Release of blockages and repressed emotions;
  • Boosting natural health recovery;
  • Improving quality of life.

How is a Reiki session conducted?

  • If this is the first session, the patient will be asked to fill out a short form.  The information on the form is confidential.
  • We always start with a conversation about requests, needs and expectations.  This moment of anamnesis is extremely important to begin the energetic work in line with the patient's current state.
  • During the Reiki application, the patient lies comfortably on a massage table. The patient remains clothed.
  • Soft music, low lighting, an essential oil diffuser or candles may be present. Please inform us if you are allergic or uncomfortable with any of these items.
  • The application is based on light touches or no contact at all (there is no need for contact to receive the energy) to channel the energy.
  • At the end of the session, we will share the sensations and experience. The patient is welcomed to share impressions and ask questions.

Duration: Between 60 and 90 minutes

Bach Flowers

The Therapy

The term "Bach Flowers" refers to the group of 38 elixirs from wild flowers, shrubs and trees. These elixirs were created by Dr. Edward Bach, (English physician), between 1928 and 1935.

The Bach Flower treatment system is extremely simple and therefore its immense healing potential is available to all those who wish to cure the cause of their ailments.

This healing method forms a system of integral rebalancing of the Being; in other words, it encompasses all the mental, emotional, and behavioural disturbances that prevent the individual from living in a state of full well-being and health.

"As the herbs heal our anxieties, our worries, our faults and our failings; it is these we must seek, and then the disease, no matter what it is, will leave us." Dr. Edward Bach, the Twelve Healers.

Dr. Bach's approach teaches that, during the healing process, it is the human being that should be considered, not the disease. The physical symptoms are therefore the consequences and not the causes of the individual's disharmony.

In short, Bach Flowers allow the whole being to be harmonized so that the body can return to a state of health and balance.

The Bach Flower treatment method is 100% natural, with no side effects or contraindications, and can be used by adults, children, babies and even animals.

Children respond quickly to the Bach Flower Remedies because they have not had years of unresolved emotional imbalances. Parents who give Bach Flower Remedies to their children are often amazed by the positive effect the Remedies have on their children's emotional well-being.

Useful information about the consultations:

In a flower therapy consultation, we will talk about the challenges you are facing. We try to identify the emotions, beliefs, and motivations behind the situations you are seeking help for.

Appointments last an average of 1 hour and can be done either in person in Montreal or online, from anywhere in the world.

  • For in person consultations: I will prepare the individualized mix bottle (30ml) and inform you about dosage and how to take the remedies (consultation fee includes remedy).
  • For online consultations: I will prescribe your own individual, personalized Bach Flower Remedies with specific instructions on how they should be taken. You can request the preparation at a pharmacy in your region.

A follow up session, ideally after 3 weeks, is suggested to assess changes in your feelings, evaluate adjustment in the remedies and to continue to understand the remedies.

TRE® (Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises)

The Technique

TRE® is a simple and innovative technique capable of releasing deep tensions within the physical body, relieving stress, balancing emotions, and overcoming Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), thus bringing the body back into a state of balance.

Created by Dr. David Berceli, PhD, this technique safely activates a natural reflex mechanism, consisting of shaking or vibrating, that releases muscular tension, thus calming down the nervous system.

If used regularly, TRE® can relieve many symptoms related to physical, emotional, and behavioural issues, as well as prevent everyday stress from developing into chronic tension.

Watch Dr. Berceli's introduction video below:

The Benefits

TRE® is useful for dealing with:

  • Trauma
  • Stress
  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Depression
  • Muscle pain
  • Mental agitation
  • Psychosomatic conditions, among others

Who can practice TRE®?

People of all ages can practice. Those with physical limitations can adapt the exercises to their needs.

Contraindications: Pregnant women and those with medical restrictions who are advised to do light to moderate physical activity.

TRE® has been used safely and effectively by a wide range of people around the world. The tremors experienced during practice simply relax patterns of muscle tension, which is why TRE® can be practiced independently by most people after 4 to 6 supervised sessions.

However, during the process of relaxing chronic muscle contraction, some individuals may experience emotional discharge - from mild to severe - that reflects the original cause of the physical tension. In cases of severe emotional discharge, and if the individual does not feel comfortable, direct supervision by a certified facilitator should be sought.

Book a TRE® session

To learn the technique or follow your personal process, contact me to schedule an individual or group session.

The Awakening Program

"The Awakening" is a program designed for those who want to practice Yoga independently and don't know where to start. Everyone who seeks yoga as a lifestyle and wants to develop a consistent, effective, and personalized practice will benefit.

What it includes and how it works:

  • 1  (one) meeting (via the Zoom platform) in which we discuss all your personal requests, limitations, availability for practice, among other personal issues.
  • Based on the anamnesis carried out and considering all your specificities, I will develop a personalized practice sequence for you. This sequence will be sent to you in pdf format.
  • With your personalized sequence in hand, we'll schedule the second meeting, during which we'll work together on your practice routine. In this class, you will have the opportunity to get to know the exercises/postures, ask questions and make notes of your own.  This class will be recorded.  The recording will be made available to you, so you can watch it whenever you have doubts about the execution of your personalized sequence.
  • For a period of 2 (two) months, you’ll continue practicing your sequence at your own pace, according to your mood and availability. This is the moment of "awakening”.  During this period of independent practice, you can contact me by WhatsApp to ask any questions you may have.
  • After 2 (two) months, we'll have our 3rd meeting (via the Zoom platform), in which we talk about your own Awakening process: your evolutions, discoveries, difficulties.  In short, we'll take stock of your personal yoga practice.

Objectives of “The Awakening" Project:


  • Guide those who wish to incorporate yoga into their routine, offering a personalized sequence to be practiced repeatedly, in the safety of their own home;
  • Develop autonomy and empowerment in the practice of yoga through repetition and monitoring the benefits of each posture/exercise over time;
  • Not rely on group classes or even apps to practice yoga. You will be your own instructor!
  • Promote personalized and safe accompaniment for a consistent, effective and lasting practice;
  • Offer the possibility of a practice that fits in with your routine and availability;
  • Improve participants' self-regulation mechanisms in order to bring calm and self-awareness;
  • Bring yoga to everyone, without distinction or restriction.

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Space dedicated to knowledge and sharing on topics related to self-knowledge, spirituality, growth, body, mind and spirit connection, among others

+1(514) 664-9498
